Kuitenkin suurin osa Bollywood-elokuvista sijoittuu nykyaikaan, jolloin nämä mujra -kohtaukset on muokattu sopimaan elokuvan maailmaan. Näin ollen elokuvissa näemme usein baarin, johon sankari päätyy katsomaan paikallisen kuuluisan tanssijattaren tanssia. Hyvänä esimerkkinä Bunty Aur Bablin superhitti Kajra Re -kohtaus. Luonnollisesti Kathak-tanssista voi vain haaveilla. Tanssimuoto on enempi viettelevämpi. ;)

Wikipedia sanoo näin mujra tanssista: Mujra is a form of dance originated by tawaif (courtesans) during the Mughal era. Mujra incorporated elements of the native classical Indian/Hindu Kathak dance onto music such as thumris and ghazals or poems of those from other Mughal cultures such as [Bahadur Shah Zafar]]. [1] Mujra was traditionally performed at mehfils and in special houses called kothas. During Mughal rule in India, in places such as Jaipur, the tradition of performing mujra was a family art and often passed down from mother to daughter amongst Muslim practitioners. The profession was a cross-breed between art and exotic dance, with the performers often serving as courtesans amongst Mughal royalty or wealthy patrons.
During the Indian Rebellion of 1857 mujra performances provided an opportunity for revolutionaries to meet and many tawaif were also actively involved in the movement. As a result, many kothas were confiscated by the British after the rebellion, disrupting the traditional tawaif succession.[2] By the early 1900s, many tawaif had moved into the prostitution industry as the traditional system had broken down. Some tawaif moved to the Indian film and music industry like Gauhar Jaan and Nargis.[3]
Modern mujra dancers perform at events like weddings, birthday events and bachelor parties in countries where traditional Mughal culture is prevalent, such as Pakistan, often performing a modern form of mujra along with popular local music. Mujra has been depicted in Indian films like Umrao Jaan and Devdas or other films that show the past Mughal rule and its culture. In India, it is - much like bellydancing is in Egypt - considered synonymous with the culture it originated from, and in relation to Hindu values, this practice is looked down upon as a promiscuous and inappropriate socio-cultural hangover from the Mughal era.
3 kommenttia:
Videoiden syötön kanssa sai tapella pari viikkoa. Mutta onneksi lopulta onnistui, vaikka aiheuttikin pari harmaata hiusta. :P
Vinkkinä muille blogittajille: Kannattaa vaihtaa asap uuteen tekstieditoriin. Vanha näyttäisi olevan rikki..
Mä olisin saanut kerran ostaa tollaset nilkkakilistimet (samat, kuin Madhurilla) Kyprokselta, mutta olivat liian kalliit. Niillä olisi kiva tanssia!
Anuradha: voi sellaiset olis niin ihanat! <3 Harmi että olivat liian kalliit. :(
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